beer toronto

Ontario Craft Beer Week – June 17 – 23


May 24 weekend almost over, what do beer drinkers have to look forward to? Well, as many know by now, Ontario Craft Beer Week kicks off on Father’s Day, spanning from June 17 – 23, 2012. Events will be taking place all over Ontario, including Toronto’s fair share. Obviously a great way to check out Ontario Craft Beers, meet those in the industry, and for the Brewers to milk a little more money from their liquid gold. For a list of all events, check out the website here.

Of particular note may be the Session 99 Craft Beer Festival, held in association with OCB Week, on June 23, 2012. This festival, located at 99 Sudbury Street in Toronto features food and, more importantly, approximately 100 different beers – for the all-in price of $40! Just choose from 1 of 2 three-hour sessions. Sounds like a good way to end OCB Week on a high note. Check out their website here.

