beer toronto

Craft Beer is Corporate! More Signs that Craft Brew Continues to Boom


Portland based Craft Brew Alliance Inc., a NasDaq listed craft brewing company, has just announced significant financial gains for Q1 2012, including 19% increase in sales from Q1 2011, amounting to $38.5 million.

Do these big numbers sound “craft” to you? Well, they are in Portland, where hipsters are turning in their PBRs for craft beer faster than you can say  “Bon Iver is a sellout”, so maybe its just a product of that. Also, the “Alliance” is actually made up of four fairly well known breweries, including Hawaii’s own Kona Brewing Company.

As I’ve said before, I am not against the big brewers. But can you go big and maintain the quality of the small batch craft? Its an interesting dynamic in this booming industry, and something many more brewers may face in the coming years. It seems like something Creemore Springs is pulling off.

To be honest, I like the idea of publically traded craft brew, it gives us all a chance to own a little piece of the dream.  Click here to see the release.

